Купить RPG Maker MV SAKAN


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Купить RPG Maker MV SAKAN


  • Издатель: Degica
  • Разработчик: Gotcha Gotcha Games, KADOKAWA, Yoji Ojima

Buy Cheap RPG Maker MV FSM Town of Beginnings Tiles (DLC) at Keysforgamers

SAKAN, Perfect tool to make your own original Tileset. It is built to let you create tilesets ready to use in RPG Maker MV.Using the thousand more parts delivered with SAKAN, you can customizing the tileset delivered with MV, or build your own original one, all without having to any dot by dot paiting.
If you prefer you can indeed use the pen and write your own dot picture, or build up animations too.

Edited or new tiles can be used directly in RPG Maker MV

As an official MV tool, SAKAN can be started directly from MV, and get access directly to the game you are building, letting you edit or add images to it. All provided templates are in MV format, and just following them will let you create resource for MV in the correct format with no additional hassle. Furnitures, food, buttons and gear are only the start of the huge variety of parts SAKAN puts at your disposition to make tiles. Adding to that a stamp feature, and color setting and you can make an infinite variety of tiles without having to resort to dot painting.This allow you to create tiles that lets you go around MV limits of 4 layers per tile, and really customize you scenery as much as you want on the fly.

Support to animated tiles

SAKAN will help you create your animated tiles better than ever. Mastering the stamp and the color edition you can easily make tiles with parts moving, changing colors or any combination.

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