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Гарантия на продукт: 90 дней
Время доставки: 15 минут
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The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
yeah didnt recieve mine either
The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
Delivered too ^^
i still havent received mine either :,(
Товар был доставлен без каких-либо проблем. Спасибо, что выбрали нас. У нас нет риска возникновения проблем с товаром. Ваш дополнительный игровой подарок доставлен. Желаем вам хороших игр :)
Witam, produkt został dostarczony w całości za pośrednictwem wiadomości prywatnej. Życzymy udanych rozgrywek.
Produkt został dostarczony bez żadnych problemów. Dziękujemy za wybranie nas. Nie ma ryzyka wystąpienia problemów z produktem. Dodatkowy prezent w postaci gry został dostarczony. Życzymy udanych rozgrywek :)
The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
The product was delivered without any problems. Thank you for choosing us. There is no risk of having problems with the product. Your extra game gift has been delivered. We wish you good games :)
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Подтверждая доставку, вы соглашаетесь с тем, что заказ получен.
Это действие не может быть отменено.
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Привет 👋
Я здесь, чтобы помочь, так что расскажи, что случилось, и я с радостью найду решение 🤓