Проверенный продавец
Проверенный продавец
Продукт может быть активирован только для платформы Xbox.
Это Standard продукта.
Активация может быть выполнена с Аргентина.
If youre in any way interested in racing titles, get Assetto Corsa one of the best racing simulators ever created.
Enjoy various realistically behaving cars and discover a completely new level of car simulation. Once you delve into the game, youll notice that the developers have focused on translating the sense of driving to a level that may redefine a racing genre. In terms of driving mechanics,
Assetto Corsa is definitely one of the top contenders in racing simulator genre. Different drivetrains are simulated nearly perfectly, including turbocharged and hybrid systems. Engine and transmission damage is also simulated very effectively. Advanced physics, high car and track count, robust single-player mode, customizability, modding, online play...
Assetto Corsa has all of that and more in spades!
Assetto Corsa has a first party roster featuring over 100 cars and over 20 tracks with 39 bearings. The modern McLaren MP4-12C with its lightning fast paddle shifters and effortless power will instil a sense of confidence in you.
Enjoy advanced, laser scanner technology thanks to which you can experience driving on hyper-realistic famous tracks. All tracks are recreated with precision so if theres a bump, dip, verge, gradient, or any other change in the road, youll feel it.
Are you a huge fan of Virtual Reality? If so, Assetto Corsa features a special mode letting you experience it in this way. Focus on the nuances and pleasures of driving like never before in a game. Feel the response through your steering wheels force feedback and enjoy the unique and fun experience unique to every single car. In addition to the single and triple screen support, the game supports Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. Vive is supported through an open VR protocol.
Add or remove apps to make the UI your own creation. Assetto Corsa supports third-party apps as well so that can really help with your driving.
Enjoy an awesome racing experience as the AI can race with skill similar to a real person. Hear the roar of the engine and explore unique handling of each individual car. Their power, suspension, body characteristics... every variant or class of car you jump into makes it feel like youre playing a new game!
All car models have been meticulously recreated both inside and out. Every inch of the car models have a level of detail that makes you think you could reach out and touch the shiny carbon fibre. All cars have unique engine notes as well.
![]() kellewer Проверенный продавец Гуру Продукт может быть активирован только для платформы Xbox. Это Standard продукта. Активация может быть выполнена с Аргентина. Standard Невозможно активировать в в вашем регионе Невозможно активировать в в вашем регионе Assetto Corsa (Xbox) / Region Argentina / Edition Standard Xbox Live Standard Аргентина 3 часов 15 дней 100 10699844 Скопировано
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Общая сумма: ₽ 255.59 |
![]() kellewer Проверенный продавец Гуру Продукт может быть активирован только для платформы Xbox. Это Ultimate Edition продукта. Активация может быть выполнена с Аргентина. Ultimate Edition Невозможно активировать в в вашем регионе Невозможно активировать в в вашем регионе Assetto Corsa (Xbox) / Region ARGENTINA / Edition Ultimate Edition Xbox Live Ultimate Edition Аргентина 24 часов 180 дней 95 11151022 Скопировано
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обязательно обратите внимание на регион и сроки доставки.
В случае покупки товара не в том регионе,
компания и продавец не несут ответственности.
Общая сумма: ₽ 425.98 |
![]() CodesMarket Проверенный продавец Легенда ![]() CodesMarket Проверенный продавец Легенда Процент успеха: 98.16% Всего отзывов: 2 469 Часовой пояс: UTC +00:00 Всего продаж: 72 638 Положительные: 99.72% Негативные: 0.28% Продукт может быть активирован только для платформы Xbox. Это Ultimate Edition продукта. Активация может быть выполнена с Европа. Ultimate Edition Невозможно активировать в в вашем регионе Невозможно активировать в в вашем регионе Assetto Corsa (Ultimate Edition) (Xbox One) (EU) Xbox Live Ultimate Edition Европа Мгновенно 30 дней 10 6693559 Скопировано
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В случае покупки товара не в том регионе,
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Общая сумма: ₽ 1 282.76 |
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