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Купить The Forgotten City (PC)

The Forgotten City (PC)

  • Дата выхода: 28 июл. 2021 г.
  • Издатель: Dear Villagers
  • Разработчик: Modern Storyteller

Buy Cheap The Forgotten City (PC) at Keysforgamers!

The Forgotten City - Cloud Version is a mystery adventure game of exploration and deduction, and a re-imagining of the critically acclaimed mod that won a national Writers' Guild award and racked up over 3 million downloads.

Combat is an option, but violence will only get you so far. Only by questioning an intertwined community of colorful characters, cleverly exploiting the time loop, and making difficult moral choices can you hope to solve this epic mystery. Here, your decisions matter. The fate of the city is in your hands.


 A brief overview of Keysforgamers

You should buy this game on Keysforgamers because it offers the best price. Besides, it’s convenient and has other options on sale, too. This will be a great opportunity to expand your gaming collection and get all your favorites. Feel free to reach out to customer support if you have any questions or confusion. 

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