Streets of Rage 4 (Steam Account)

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Buy Streets of Rage 4 (Steam Account) with cheap price at difmark

In the late 80s and early 90s, bitemaps were one of the most popular and sought-after genres: remember only Double Dragon, Final Fight, Golden Ax, Battletoads, TMNT and, of course, Streets of Rage. Simple controls, affordable gameplay, impressive graphics and the ability to jointly conquered millions of players. But when the fashion for 3D came, the genre instantly blown away.

Since then, echoes of this classic can be found in cross-genre games (Yakuza, Guacamelee!), And some players consider slashers like Devil May Cry or God of War to be the heirs to bitemaps. Capcom produced two interesting experiments with the genre - two-dimensional Viewtiful Joe and three-dimensional God Hand. But if we talk about the classic 2D scuffle with a cooperative, then successful examples are extremely rare. A decade ago, these were Castle Crashers and Scott Pilgrim vs.

The World: The Game, in the mid-2010s - Mother Russia Bleeds, last year - River City Girls. Microsoft is still threatening to revive Battletoads, but it can be seen that compared to platforming and metro-diving, which has not been released in recent years, classic bitemaps are in short supply.

DotEmu decided to make up for it, having secured Sega the rights to the Streets of Rage series and released the long-awaited Streets of Rage 4.

New Streets of Rage 4 (PC) fighting is available for purchase now! Buy a Streets of rage 4 account to receive all the best features of the game right from the start! Skip boring parts and get to Real fun with all opened characters and levels! Difmark online marketplace provides its customers with very best prices and additional services which will make gaming easy and fun! Buy games and accounts with us and save money for even more purchases!


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